November is always a special time of year for me. My big Italian family and I fight each year over who is taking which holiday and who is bringing what. Good times … as long as we are all together.
I also find myself thinking about how fortunate I am to be associated with my big “health and physical education family.” Whether I’m chatting on social media or at events across the country, I can feel that the connectedness and passion for our shared beliefs is alive and well.
When HPE professionals come together in so many different ways and talk about how we can make life better for every child in every health and physical education classroom, I am more and more proud of SHAPE America’s #BigFeats Virtual Race. It’s never been done before by our organization.
With this race — and through generous donations — we are fighting for better health and physical education programs in 10 high-need schools across the country. As a profession, we are only as strong as our most disadvantaged schools, programs and students. We must lift each other up in every way possible whenever we can.
When I saw the video of the Impact Schools grantees who will receive 80% of the funds raised through the virtual race, I actually cried. I cried because never in my 27-year career have I gone without everything I needed to deliver a high-quality program. It’s easy, in our daily grind, to forget that not every teacher has what we may have. Not every school is positioned to obtain the resources to help students on their journey toward health and wellness for life. It doesn’t seem fair. It doesn’t seem equitable. It doesn’t feel inclusive.
I’m very excited that we’ve introduced the Big Feats Virtual Race — a race for all people, of all abilities, doing whatever physical activity they choose. Already, state affiliates have signed on to participate, inspire and motivate. And, we have a national partner — Gopher Sport — that shares in our commitment to do what it takes to help and give back.
When I look back years from now on my SHAPE America presidency, I may not remember what motions we passed or what the details were in our strategic plan each year. I will, however, remember what we did for these children with this fundraiser and the tireless work of the SHAPE America staff, Board of Directors, districts, and state affiliates to be part of, well, a very #BigFeat.
Thank you to all who have registered, formed teams and donated. Now, come dance with me! #proudprez
Join the MOVEment at

Judy LoBianco
President of SHAPE America from 2018-2019.