Starting October 22, SHAPE America will kick off its 2nd annual Big Feats Virtual Race, a community-based event that gives you the opportunity to raise money for health and physical education programs in high-needs schools across the country.
This year, 80% of all funds raised by the Big Feats Virtual Race will be allocated to five schools that were selected by SHAPE America and our national partner Gopher through the SHAPE America Impact Schools Grant Program.
The grantees represent more than 1,900 students and include Title I elementary and middle schools from five states, with eligibility for free and reduced lunch ranging from 42% to 90%.
The funds will be used to enhance each school’s health and physical education program and provide professional development to help build teacher expertise and improve student outcomes.
The remaining net proceeds will help support local, state and national efforts and outreach for health and physical education.
Last year, participants in the Big Feats Virtual Race raised more than $20,000 for our high-needs schools!
What is a Virtual Race?
With a virtual race, you choose your starting line — whether that’s on your treadmill, neighborhood street or nearby school track — and complete the race distance on your own time, at your own pace.
The 2019 Big Feats Virtual Race will be held October 22 through December 3, which means you can start and complete the race anytime within that six-week period.
You can register for the virtual race as an individual — or as a team with your friends, colleagues or students. You can even incorporate the race into your classroom or employee wellness program if that works for you!
Schools are also encouraged to use the Big Feats Virtual Race as a community service project. As an added incentive, Gopher and SHAPE America will provide a free SHAPE America membership and one set of 30 Gopher FITstep™ Pro Uploadable Pedometers (a $900+ value) for any school team that raises $2,000 or more during the Big Feats Virtual Race.
Individual registration to participate in the Big Feats Virtual Race is $25 and includes a medal and a digital race bib.
Virtual Race Resources
I encourage you to start by checking out the Virtual Race Training Center, where you’ll find training tips, racing challenges, and virtual race guides for individuals, teams and teachers. We even have activity cards and ideas to use in the classroom!
Over the last year, SHAPE America members have given us so much feedback about wanting to support worthy causes in a fun and simple way. This fall, we hope you’ll join us for the Big Feats Virtual Race!
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
Additional Resources
- Big Feats Virtual Race Resources & Training Center
- Big Feats Virtual Race Digital Race Bib
- SHAPE America Impact Schools Grant Program

Yasmeen Taji-Farouki
Yasmeen Taji-Farouki is senior manager of Community Initiatives and Social Impact at SHAPE America. She is also the program lead for SHAPE America’s health. moves. minds. program, the new service-learning program that raises funds for schools and teaches students how to thrive physically and emotionally! She can be reached at [email protected].