Best of 2019: Popular Resources for Health and Physical Educators

Before December comes to an end and schools across the country close for winter break, we’d like to share some of SHAPE America’s most popular resources for health and physical educators.

If you didn’t download these HPE resources in 2019, it’s not too late!

Standards-Based Basketball Curriculum Resources

New from SHAPE America and Jr. NBA! Instructional basketball curricula for grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8, including more than 50 activities and videos that reflect best practices. Can be used in physical education classes, or in after-school programs and youth leagues.

jr.Nba poster for Standards-Based Basketball Curriculum

Mindfulness Calendar From health.  moves. minds.™

Use this resource throughout the year in your classroom — or to send home with students to share with their family!

health.moves.minds. Mindfulness Calendar

Health Education Youth Empowerment Series

This resource empowers middle school students to positively influence health-enhancing behaviors within themselves and others. Each 50-minute lesson agenda includes instant activities to start the lesson, learning activities to help students become proficient in the NHES skill focused on in the unit and to acquire functional knowledge, and closure activities to conclude the lesson.

Health Education Youth Empowerment Series Poster

Crosswalk for SHAPE America National Standards & CASEL SEL Core Competencies

This document serves as a resource for those aligning SEL competencies into the existing SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education and allows physical education teachers to incorporate SEL competencies into their standards-based lesson plans.

CASEL SEL Core Competencies Poster

Elementary Poster: National Standards for K-12 Physical Education

This student-friendly resource helps your students make the connection between what they’re learning in PE class and why they’re learning it. Put the posters up in your school gymnasium to encourage students to embrace the National Standards as they learn to direct their own healthy lives.

Student-Friendly National Standards for K-12 Infographic

Looking for more health and physical education resources? Check out the SHAPE America Digital Download Library for classroom-ready and teacher-friendly resources.

Larissa Brickach

Larissa Brickach is managing editor of the SHAPE America blog, Momentum magazine, and Et Cetera email newsletter. She can be reached at [email protected].