Category: Teachers of the Year
If you are teaching a skills-based health education curriculum based on the National Health Education Standards, many natural connections exist between your health lessons and social and emotional learning …
For many years, the words “Shelter in Place” meant lock the gym door and then continue on with instruction as usual. However, when those same words came from state …
From the start of any teacher certification program, preservice students are bombarded with recommendations on how to teach health education. Obviously, much of this advice is necessary. Professors help …
Returning to school after the New Year is a great time to reflect on your classroom routines and strategies. If you’re looking for ways to improve, here are 7 …
Have you ever heard other educators use negative language when referring to physical education teachers? I have — quite a bit. Some colleagues think our job looks easy and …
Like many health and PE teachers, I believe my content areas are vitally important for students. Yet in most schools, students don’t attend health education class daily. Some of …
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that teenagers do strength skills three times a week. As a high school PE teacher, I know it can be …
I have been teaching physical education at the elementary level for more than 22 years. But every back to school season, I still put exorbitant amounts of pressure on …
Teaching mindfulness emphasizes paying attention to the present moment in an accepting, nonjudgmental manner. In other words, experiencing the now. That’s how I define mindfulness for my middle school …
A few months ago, someone asked me what I hoped students would remember about my PE class and say about me as a physical education teacher. The question hit …